vrijdag 1 juli 2016

Happy Hens | Good Fences #9

So glad I can cycle again. The pain in my hip is almost negligible. Now I can show you the grassland full of happy hens. This birds can go out every day in the wild. Outdoors. This allows them to extend their menu with grass, worms and caterpillars, and, for example, take a dust bath in order to keep feathers in good condition.

The photos are also linked to Theresa's GOOD FENCES

Blije scharrelkippen
Zo blij dat het beter met mijn heup gaat! Nu kan ik jullie het weiland vol blije kippen laten zien (Renswoude). Deze beesten gaan elke dag naar buiten. Zo kunnen ze hun menu uitbreiden met grassen, wormen en rupsjes. En ze kunnen ook nog eens een stofbad nemen om hun veren in een goede conditie te houden. Al zag het er afgelopen zaterdag een beetje modderig uit, daar in het hoekje onder de eikenboom.

Ran outside
In free-range systems, hens are housed in the barn. In addition, they have constant daytime access to ran outside range with vegetation. Each hen must have at least 4 m2 of space. Read more HERE
  1. One hectare of outdoor range for every 2,500 hens
  2. Continuous access during the day to this open-air range, which must be “mainly covered with vegetation”
  3. Several popholes extending along the entire length of the building, providing at least 2 m of opening for every 1,000 hens.
Scharrelkip kost geld
Volgens Wikipedia: Een kip die overdag ook buiten kan lopen heeft een afwisselender leven dan een scharrelkip, die meestal alleen maar binnen de stal kan blijven. Een vrije-uitloopei mag zo heten als de kip minimaal 4 m2 uitloopruimte beschikbaar heeft. Voor 2500 kippen moet de boer dus 10.000 m2 (1 hectare) weiland aan de kippen beschikbaar stellen. Die uitloopmogelijkheid kost de boer dus geld (grond, afrastering uitloopruimte). Lees meer HIER

I love that chickens may walk outdoors. As a child I lived in a farming village. In Summer, when I woke up early I always heard the clucking chickens through my open window. They were locked up in a stable across the meadow in front of our house.

Herinnering aan kippen
Ik vind het zo'n mooi gezicht, al die kippen buiten! Ik ben als Zeeuws meisje opgegroeid in een klein, Veluws boerendorp (vanaf mijn 5e jaar). In de zomer, als ik vroeg wakker werd hoorde ik het geluid van de kakelende kippen door het open raam. Ze liepen niet vrij rond maar zaten opgesloten in de stal, aan de overkant van het weiland tegenover ons huis. Tijden veranderen!


64 opmerkingen:

  1. Zoveel beter die kippen gewoon lekker buiten. Wij halen onze eieren altijd op de zorgboerderij van de jongens, daar lopen ze ook lekker buiten. En je proeft het aan je eieren.

    1. Ja, dat proef je echt wel en je ziet het ook aan de kleur van de dooier.

  2. It's nice to see chickens being treated in a good and humane condition.
    Have a great weekend!


  3. Goed te zien de kippen zo lekker in een stuk open land.

    Groettie van Patricia.

  4. Hello Jedidja!:) Beautiful last fence scene where the hens are in the field, and it's wonderful to see that they have plenty of space to roam around behind the wire fencing. Our hens are in large open spaces behind fences, but are also let outside to wander the hillside every day. Have a lovely weekend!:)

  5. This is a very large and spacious hen farm. The chicken have so much space to roam about and I am sure they are very happy and healthy. Have a great day!

  6. Gelukkig hebben scharrelkippen het iets beter, maar goed wil ik niet zeggen.
    Leuke plaats Renswoude, vooral de omgeving van het kasteel.
    Groet Kees

    1. Kees, daar willen we ook nog een keer heen. Het is maar ietsje verder dan deze kippenfarm!

  7. Free range!!! I like that concept.
    GREAT fence photos too.

  8. So much better than 'cooped up'(for the chickens and the eggs) I've never seen so many free chickens---love the photos.

  9. Free range hens look so happy and healthy. Free range eggs are so special and precious. I feel very sorry for the caged hens treated like only egg-producing machine. I know chicks run quite fast. I was scared by being chased after by a chick as a small child when I was at my grandparents’. Thank you for your comment on my old post.


    1. Poor you! I understand your fear. Once I was a week in the house of my sister. I took care of the hens. But one escaped. I was really scared to grab him :(

  10. I am so glad to hear that you are feeling well. You have some amazing places to ride your bike. I love chickens. Those hens look pretty happy.

    1. Jenn, it is a great bike path, along all kinds of farms, fields of corn, pastures with cows. Also an excellent bike path to skating on!!!

  11. Oh wow, they must be happy chickens there. Healthy too. Great photos. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  12. Now that's the way to raise chickens! Not so in the US. Our chicken raising is a disaster for the chickens and the environment! Great photos!

  13. So nice to see the chicken all running around. A great way to raise chickens. : )

    1. Thank you Happyone. It was so nice withe the sun on all those hens :)

  14. This is far more humane and definitely more healthy for the chickens! They are lovely to look at...

    1. When I pass this farm I always take a look. It is so great!

  15. i definitely agree with this method of caring for the chickens. they are certainly thriving in these conditions. love that first pic. i don't believe i've ever seen that many chickens in one place though. pretty exciting. hope all is well. have a great day/ weekend...

    1. Thanks for your comment. I am coming soon to your blog again. Have a nice week.

  16. wow! they have a great running range to peck and find goodies.

  17. When young and living in the country, had lots of chickens. Never anything like this. Amazing.

  18. Just saw your comment on my blog - thanks! My daughter has chickens, and started to sell eggs to neighbors and friends. What they call "organic" eggs are much in demand here!
    I was reading you are originally from Zeeland - that's where I grew up, went to school in Middelburg and Goes. What about you?

    1. Hoi, that's great! My older sisters also went to the city Goes (high school). My kindergarten was in 's Gravenpolder. Our last name is/was Kalle.

  19. that is a lot of hens and free range is so much better!!! great captures, i LOVE a good ride on my bike!!!

  20. Reacties
    1. Ik zou er best een paar willen, hier achter. Maar dat is zielig. Hebben ze geen ruimte.

  21. Hi Jedidja, Thanks for visiting! I love, love, LOVE all of these lovely chickens! So many of them and they make these good fences even better. Great pics! Blessings!

    1. Thank you Debby, for your kind reaction. Have a good week.

  22. That is so great. I can’t believe how much space they have to roam. You have succeeded again in showing us something unique in our experience.

    I suspect that there are a dearth of foxes in that area.

    Great news about the improvement in your hip.

    1. Foxes o, o ... They love a good chicken every day! And they destroyed the nests of our national bird, the black-tailed godwit. This year, few little ones in our country!

  23. Love these shots, the hens are so cute and they do look happy. Always love seeing lots of space to roam for animals. - Tasha

  24. The hens do look happy and well taken care of! I'm glad your hip is better.

  25. They look healthy and happy. Your photos make me smile! By the way, click this link (http://www.desertusa.com/desert-people/bill-keys.html) if your are interested in reading more about Bill Keys and Keys Ranch in Joshua Tree National Park.

  26. The hens look so pretty and healthy. I would love to have just one for a pet but guess not. I live in town even though we do have cows at the ranch.

  27. The eggs I buy at a local farm are advertised as free range and I haven't thought too much about what that means other than they're not in cages.

  28. Those chickens have it made. What a great area they have to roam. Loved these shots.

  29. These free range chicken farms are great.


  30. It is nice to see the happy chickens - they have a good place to live. x Karen

  31. Glad to hear your hip is better. I love to cycle, too. Good to see the chickens have lots of room to roam.

  32. It's a good thing that there are rules about how chickens are to be cared for. Nice post.

  33. that´s a lot of hens :) And beautiful they are. I know what you say about clucking hens. I heard the same thing :)

  34. I am reminded of my grandfather, who let his chickens run freely. Since we shared a back yard our property was an extension of his chicken run. The chickens ate bugs but also we had to keep them out of our vegetable garden, as lettuce was high on their list of favorite foods. Their eggs were very high quality. Good to hear that you are healing. Thank you for visiting my blog while I was away.

    1. I understand why hens must in the chicken run often :-) Thank you for your nice comment!

  35. I love the first one :-) Thank you Felicia. Hope you have a good week.

  36. How wonderful to see such happy hens. Have a great week!

  37. Dearest Jedidja; Oh My! How happy these lovely hens must be in such a wide area and freely♡♡♡ And with such many friends. Your explanation "take a dust bath in order to keep feathers in good condition" educated me and learned :-)
    Thank you SO much for your sweet visits. Your daughter has great name, please send her my regards to 'Ine-san'♡♡♡ 'san'is one of honorifics we put after one's name.
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend, xoxo Miyako*

  38. I can still "hear" the clucking in my memory. My grandmother, who lived with us when I was a child, raise chickens. A memory I cherish. Yes, Moments Frozen in Time :)


Thanks for dropping in, hope your day's going fine!

♥ Aritha ♥