woensdag 15 februari 2017

First Signs of Spring

Little tired of winter? Spring is on its way! Here are the first signs of spring. I know the first signs of spring differ according to where you live but this are the Dutch ones. I also saw a little bee,  celebrating spring too early. Poor bee.  

Beetje moe van de winter? Nou, ik heb de eerste voorjaarsbloemen gezien en op de foto gezet met mijn telefoon. Krokussen en sneeuwklokjes. Ik zag ook een bij, die van krokus naar krokus vloog. Zou hij het lang uithouden? Ik denk het niet.

Dutch crocus (and a bit snow behind)
Early snowdrops

What are the earliest bloomers in your area?
Heb jij al voorjaarsbloemen gespot?

16 opmerkingen:

  1. We also have some spring flowers blooming. I will be so glad when it does warm up. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  2. ...snowdrops are a sure sign that spring is on it's way.

  3. Ha Jedidja, dit is heel goed nieuws, jippie het voorjaar komt er aan.
    groet Kees.

  4. Spring is on its way. I saw some flowers today placed beside a door.

  5. Since we don't get snow in South Texas ... we have roses blooming.

  6. I guess daffodils would be the first to bloom here but not for a while yet. Still winter here.

  7. We have snowdrops here too and just yesterday saw crocuses in bloom! so pretty!

  8. How lovely to see sweet spring flowers poking through the soil! We still have only snowbanks,and out flowerbeds are still frozen and covered with snow. Daffodils, the earliest bloomers in my garden, will appear in May. I hope you have a good sleep (I just realized you're probably about ready for bed in your time zone!) :-)

  9. We have a few Daffodils sprouting here. I always love seeing Snowdrops!

  10. Ik zag gisteren ook de eerste krokussen in de tuin!

  11. Heerlijk lente gevoel.

    Groettie van Patricia.

  12. I am surprised that you are seeing blooms already! Here in south Florida we simply transition from dry to wet weather. We seem to have more flowers during the winter. This winter has been unusually warm. For me, the most evident sign of spring is the reappearance of foliage on the bald cypress trees. The Red Maples put out their flowers and winged seeds very early in spring.

  13. I live in Florida, where we don't have much winter at all...and spring came really early this year. Azaleas, dogwood trees, and camellias are blooming right now. My maple tree is starting to bud its new leaves too. Love your crocus and snowdrop! Happy Spring to you!!

  14. You are lucky my friend. Nothing blooming here yet. Too much snow on the ground. I'm looking to see the crocuses peeking through snow filled ground. Once I see them I know Spring isn't far off.


Thanks for dropping in, hope your day's going fine!

♥ Aritha ♥