woensdag 22 maart 2017

White Hyacinths

My daughter told me that there are two (?) terrorist attacks in London on this beautiful Wednesday afternoon. I wanted to share beautiful white hyacinth but this news makes me so sad. Why do people do such horrible thingsHow can I share my flowers when there is so much fear and sorrow?

The white hyacinth
The white hyacinth is a flower that you give someone you care and you want to say: “I’ll be praying for you”. That is a good thought.

Witte hyacinten vandaag
Mijn dochter vertelt me net dat er zijn twee terroristische aanslagen zijn in Londen op deze mooie woensdagmiddag. Ik  was net begonnen met deze post en wilde de mooie witte hyacinten delen op mijn blog, die ik vandaag zag in een tuin. Dit nieuws maakt zo verdrietig. Waarom doen mensen zulke vreselijke dingen? 


19 opmerkingen:

  1. I was talking with Mom about this sad thing right now ... thank you dearest Jedidjia for sharing your so lovely hyacinth, let's pray for Peace, sweet friend !

    Sending hugs to you

    XO Daniela at - My little old world - (Dany)

  2. What a beautiful white hyacinth and a wonderful emblem for peace on this terrible day!

  3. Love the beautiful hyacinth and send warm feelings on this sad day.

  4. World is crazy now i love yourflowers

  5. Unfortunately there are events that will make the world cry. There are also things in life that make us happy and your flowers bring happiness to us on a sad day.

  6. We live in a crazy world. Nice to see your pretty flowers.

  7. How pretty!!! So gorgeous, and so pure a shade of white!!!

    1. ...sadly, I don't think the terrorism is over with this/these attacks. The world needs a lot of mending!!!

  8. Sadly, this is what the world is full of now. I just don't understand either, it's all so very upsetting.
    On a lighter note, your flowers are beautiful! I love the white.

    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. You are so sweet.

    Have a delightful day!

    Blessings, Amy

  9. Thank you for sharing your beautiful flower. It is quite sad and makes us mindful to cherish every moment on the things that are important in this life.

  10. The flowers are still lovely, even while many in the world want to destroy what is beautiful.

  11. It's awful that people do such things, but there is so much more good stuff that doesn't get headlines. So, the flowers are a lovely gesture.

  12. I too think we need beautiful flowers exactly on a day like this.
    Lovely photos!
    Have a blessed day and stay safe!

  13. Ha Jedidja, afschuwelijk, 4 doden zijn er te betreuren en waarschijnlijk 40 gewonden. Er zijn geen woorden voor. In wat voor wereld wonen we tegenwoordig. We kunnen er alleen maar voor bidden.
    Groet kees.

  14. Such sad news, but such a beautiful flower. Sometimes you have to simply look at the good things in life.

  15. I also love hyacinths and their wonderful scent. My heart goes out to the victims of the terror attacks.

  16. My prayers go out for the victims of these terrorists. Your photos of the flowers are beautiful. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  17. Flowers are healing and it is good to turn away in sorrow during these tragic times to offer hope for the future, despite these heinous acts of violence.


Thanks for dropping in, hope your day's going fine!

♥ Aritha ♥