woensdag 20 maart 2019


Peanut Butter with mealworms for birds

Birds love peanut butter! But often it contains too much salt and that isn’t good for birds. So you can buy special peanut butter in The Netherlands. Also in the UK: HERE 

Roodborstje - robin

O no, it is only for birds....
Vogelbescherming Nederland geeft het advies om vogels nooit pindakaas te geven die in je keukenkastje staat. Daar zit te veel zout in. Er bestaat echte vogelpindakaas zonder zout en mèt meelwormen. Ik kocht een potje in de krokusvakantie. 

17 opmerkingen:

  1. Prachtig het Roodborstje en het Eekhoorntje.

    Groettie van Patricia.

  2. Sounds like an interesting product. I have not seen it here but will check around to see if it is available.

  3. Oh, what lucky birds! They'd better hurry because the squirrel could finish up the pot in next to no time!


  4. peanut butter with mealworms....oh my.

  5. What a great idea. Have blessed day. Madeline

  6. Count on a squirrel to get into the food.

  7. I have not seen it here either, interesting. Have a good day Diane

  8. Ha Aritha, heerlijk voor de gevleugelde vriendjes, wij doen dit al enkele jaren, ze zijn er dol op.
    Zelfs de eksters snoepen er van, maar dan is de pot snel leeg.
    groet Kees.

  9. I never give peanut butter to the birds, cause it's hard enough for adults to swallow, so I think it may be too hard for the birds to swallow. Your Robins are beautiful. That orange chest of feathers gets me every time. : )


  10. A lovely little Robin. I don't feed the birds at all here at our new house. Don't want to attract the bears!!

  11. I guess maybe the squirrel was pretending to be a bird.

  12. I sure hope no one mistakes this jar of peanut butter for the real thing...that would be quite the interesting delicacy! LOL. Love the pictures. The robin is so pretty and different from ours. The squirrel also is quite red! Very interesting!! God is such a Master Creator!!

  13. Oh dear, the squirrel....same problem here.

  14. Lovely pictures, the robin has such lovely colouring.

    All the best Jan

  15. Prachtig om te zien Aritha.
    Hier bij ons hangt ook een pot:)

  16. Ik heb aan de derde foto gelacht omdat mijn eerste idee van de eerste foto was peanut butter zal muisjes en anderen knaagdieren lokken. (Does that make sense?)
    Then I saw the last foto and it made me laugh. Very cute. Not quite a mouse but still a rodent. In Australia, rodents in the garden will attract snakes!

  17. The squirrel is a pretty red color, at my house we have gray squirrels.


Thanks for dropping in, hope your day's going fine!

♥ Aritha ♥