vrijdag 24 april 2020


De zon was al op maar omdat  er sluierwolken waren, net boven de horizon kon ik toch foto's maken tijdens mijn koude fietstochtje. Zo stil als het is, in de vroeg morgen. Bijna onwerkelijk.

Ik zag dit keer reeën. En voor het eerst in mijn leven hoorde ik een koekoek. Hoe leuk is dat. Ik fietste langs de Grift en maakte wat foto's.

The sun had already risen, but because there were veil clouds, just above the horizon I could still take pictures during my cold bike ride. As quiet as it was early in the morning. Almost surreal.

I saw deer this time. And for the first time in my life I heard a cuckoo. How fun. I cycled along the Grift and took some pictures. Enjoy it.

5 opmerkingen:

  1. Hoi Aritha.

    Prachtig met de reflectie in het water.

    Groettie van Patricia.

  2. The first picture is so incredibly lovely. i love reflections and this is perfect.

  3. Very nice photos ARITHA - we've not the cycle paths here- you are very fortunate to have places to visit. Regards. KEV.

  4. There's nothing like a sweet sunrise early in the morning. This one is beautiful, Aritha.



Thanks for dropping in, hope your day's going fine!

♥ Aritha ♥