dinsdag 16 augustus 2022

Watertekort in Nederland

Zie je de rivier de IJssel en het torentje van Deventer? Het water staat zo laag! Deze foto stuurde mijn man, tijdens zijn fietsrit. De lage waterstand in de IJssel zorgt voor problemen omdat er geen water meer opgepompt kan worden voor het land achter de dijk. Aan het eind van mijn bericht weet je wat eraan gedaan wordt


De IJssel 
De IJssel is een rivier is de langste rivier die alleen over Nederlands grondgebied stroomt (andere rivieren komen vanuit andere landen)

Watertekort in Nederland

Een noodpomp
Omdat het peil in de IJssel zo laag stond, kon het gemaal in Terwolde geen water aanzuigen. Daardoor zou de polder Terwolde droogvallen met als gevolg dat de fruittelers geen water meer toegevoerd kregen. Wat heeft 'Waterschap Vallei en Veluwe' toen gedaan? Ze plaatsten een noodpomp. Mijn man maakte daar onderweg wat foto's van, speciaal voor mij om er over te bloggen.

4 foto's bij gemaal Terwolde

  1. Het gemaal Terwolde (met vacuum pomp die geen water meer kan aanzuigen door de te lage waterstand in de rivier
  2. De buizen die water uit de IJssel halen met mobiele pompen op elektriciteit
  3. De waterbuizen over de weg heen
  4. De buizen aan de andere kant, die het water de polder in brengen (50 kuub per minuut)

Gemaal Terwolde

Noodpomp Terwolde

Noodpomp Terwolde

Toch water voor de fruittelers
Mijn man heeft een paar keer uitgelegd hoe het allemaal werkt met die pomp. Ik vind het moeilijk om te begrijpen en hoop dat ik het proces toch goed weergeven heb aan de hand van zijn foto's. Op deze manier krijgen de fruittelers toch water.

Een ijsje in Deventer
De foto's zijn gemaakt op 9 augustus. Ik hoop dat het goed gaat met polder Terwolde, de fruittelers, de flora en fauna daar. Ik vermoed dat de waterstand in de IJssel nog meer gedaald is. Ik sluit mijn blog af met een kaartje van Strava en een foto van een pauze in de stad, met ijs.

đź‘Ť Ik was echt blij met jullie reactie op mijn vorige blogpost!
👇 Laat ook nu gerust een opmerking achter
đź’§ Water shortage in the Netherlands

Linked to: 

23 opmerkingen:

  1. Interesting. Sometimes we have to go back to basics using pumps and all kinds of methods to supply the growers with water. Hopefully, things improve with the coming of rain.
    What would we do in this scorching summer without ice-cream?

    1. Oh, I suddenly remember that Israel is also a country that depends on the rain. When does the rainy season start?

  2. So many places need rain!!
    Ice cream is good any time. :)

  3. That is so sad that water levels are so low. We were under water restrictions last summer and that was no fun. Hope you get the needed rains soon.

    1. That's really bad, Ruth. Were the farmers not allowed to water their land as well?

  4. I read on the news that this might be the dryest summer in Europe for 500 years. Have no idea how they calculate it, though. It is very dry in Finland also, but not that alarming. In my garden it feels as the autumn has come, because trees turn to yellow and drop their leaves 🥲

    1. Riita, yes. In my garden too. And in the woods it's even worse!

  5. The Netherlands could probably teach the world a whole lot about how to manage water, but all of your Dutch ingenuity is going to be needed as drought and excessive heat become normal climatic features in a world we have ruined - and continue to ruin. Best wishes - David

    1. Thanks David. We are still longing for rain. When it rains in the mountains (Germany, Switzerland etc.) the Dutch rivers will have new water. A wet autumn would help.

  6. Hoi Aritha.

    Ja het is wat met die droogte overal.

    Groettie van Patricia.

  7. Oh, I hope the water level comes back up for you guys. Not sure either how that works, but glad they found a solution. Thank you so much for sharing at Pictorial Tuesday. Great photos.

    1. Thanks for your comment! And.... thanks for hosting the link up.I love it,

  8. Prachtige fotos Aritha. Bedankt voor het bezoek aan mijn blog. Fijn weekend !

    1. He is leuk om over en weer te kijken naar die mooie natuur!

  9. Dear Aritha, I wanted to tell you that I was thinking about you especially yesterday. I am helping out working at my son's store here in our town, and a lady came into the store who was from The Netherlands. She was an older lady than me, probably in her early 80's I imagine, and she was riding a bike and was very tall and thin and in great physical condition, so I imagine she rides her bike all the time. She had a delightful accent, and I enjoyed visiting with her for quite a while. Her name was Marjorie. I immediately thought of you when she said she was from The Netherlands. Isn't that something...way over here in the United States in the state of Florida? Your photos are beautiful, by the way. Praying for your water situation. God bless you dear friend around the world!

    1. O that is very special. Majorie is a nice Dutch name. Dutch women are generally very tall. Even though my grandmother was a small woman. Do you think Majorie was on vacation in Florida? Or emigrated to the USA? Yes, old women cycle too. They often use e-bikes. And have a bicycle mirror on their bike :-)

    2. Marjorie has lived here in the states for many years, and she lives in my town with her husband and her mother in law lives next door. We had a long conversation about that relationship, which is not a real good one (the mother in law), so she was exasperated with her. The MIL is 91 years old, so it is hard for me to figure Marjorie's age being in her 80's, but maybe her husband is younger than she is? Anyway, I hope she comes back as I enjoyed chatting with her, and I think she needs a friend. She really seemed to need to talk, and I was happy to listen. Perhaps you could pray for her with me! Thank you.


Thanks for dropping in, hope your day's going fine!

♥ Aritha ♥