donderdag 15 november 2018


Ever seen such weird mushrooms? They were growing on a tree trunk! I googled and read this about these "mushrooms":

Fomes fomentarius (commonly known as the tinder fungus, is a species of fungal plant pathogen found in Europe, Asia, Africa and North America. The species produces very large polypore fruit bodies which are shaped like a horse's hoof and vary in colour from a silvery grey to almost black, though they are normally brown. It grows on the side of various species of tree, which it infects through broken bark, causing rot. The species typically continues to live on trees long after they have died, changing from a parasite to a decomposer.


In het bos waar ik wandelde kwam ik voorbij DE boom (zie eerste foto). Mijn zus had al eens een foto gestuurd en nu zag ik hem zelf. Hij zit van onder tot boven vol met paddestoelen. Ik zocht er naar op Wikipedia en ontdekte dit:
De echte tonderzwam, in de volksmond ook tondelzwam of tondergaatjeszwam genoemd, is een schimmel. Het is een zwakteparasiet die groeit op verzwakte of dode bomen. De echte tonderzwam is van groot belang voor de voortplanting van veel insectensoorten, waaronder een aantal zeldzame kevers en sluipwespen. Deze leggen hun eitjes in het vruchtlichaam, waarop de larven zich te goed doen aan het vlees.

Ik weet niet zeker of  het een echte tondelzwam is.
Jij wel?

 đŸ„ What mushroom is growing in your area?

38 opmerkingen:

  1. We also have the tree mushrooms and ground mushroom. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  2. A 'pathogen' - sounds bad. Does it say what could be done about it? If not, maybe you should make inquiries.

    1. I don't know, Duta. I have read this on a site: "A tree with fungal fruiting structures on several limbs, the trunk, butt, or roots should be removed promptly if it is in a location where property damage may occur or people or pets could be struck by falling limbs or the falling tree. If most of the tree appears healthy, any single branches with fungal fruiting structures should be removed promptly, regardless of the identity of the fungus present." Source: PennStateExtension

  3. We also have similar fungi on our trees. If the bottom of that is flat, you can actually draw pictures on it when it dries. My father used to draw pictures on them with colored pencils, and they lasted for many years.

    1. I love that idea. Next time I draw a picture on it and shall take a photo special for you :-)

  4. I've seen fungi like this on some trees around here too.

  5. We have that kind of fungus here too. In fact when I was growing up I saw it in people's homes too. I think it was used for some kind of medicine.

    1. Yes, I have read about it. It is also used as a laxative to stimulate bowel movement.

  6. Great pictures. I have seen similar growths on trees around here.

  7. Ha Atitha, mooi zijn ze en wonderbaarlijk. Wij noemen dit altijd elfenhuisjes hihi.
    Groet Kees.

  8. Heel mooi, grappig dat op een boom er zoveel zitten.

    Groettie van Patricia.

    1. Ja apart hè, op ÊÊn zo'n boom. Ik dacht eerst dat het nep was omdat deze boom op een 'ontdekpad' staat.

  9. That's some interesting looking fungi. In the first photo, they remind me of the little fairy houses the kids placed among the trees on a trail in one of our nearby towns. Super nice photos, Aritha.

  10. The colors and texture are fascinating.

    1. Ja, that's why I took pics. To show the texture to my husband.

  11. It has a beautiful pattern to it and I like that light blue/green color too!

    1. There was also a brown one on an other tree. But the photo was so blurry :-(

  12. Ik heb zelf ook zo'n foto, de boom is dood.
    Maar groeit net als op jouw foto vol met zwammen.


  13. We have those here and oddly enough a photo went on my blog yesterday :-) Take care. Diane

  14. They look beautiful... even though the trees are not happy with them. The colours are really pretty. :)
    We too have same type of fungi here. I think to have posted some photos but now can't remember when.
    Have a blessed week!

  15. Dear Aritha - lovely photos of your fungi. We have varieties that grow on the sides of our trees in the woods but none look quite like yours. So glad you shared these...will have to get some photos and send you some of what ours look like once the snow stops :)! Hugs!

  16. These mushrooms are amazing, Aritha, we have nothing like that around here. The area where I live has a lot of pine trees and we mostly get a variety of mushroom that only grows around pine. The good news is that it is edible and quite delicious :-)


Thanks for dropping in, hope your day's going fine!

♥ Aritha ♥