donderdag 18 juli 2024

Een Zonnige Groet van de Utrechtse Heuvelrug

Ik kom even om het hoekje kijken om wat blogs te lezen en om te zeggen dat het nu echt zomers is in Nederland. Aan het eind van deze blog weet je een beetje hoe de zomer eruitziet in het bos op de Utrechtse Heuvelrug. 

Geniet ervan!

Voel je de warmte? Onder de bomen viel het mee, maar kwam ik in de volle zon... dan prikte de zon op mijn witte huid.

Ik sluit af met twee telefoonfoto: het tarweveld, net naast het bos en een ijverige mier. Daarvoor hurkte ik neer bij een mierenhoop. Gelukkig bleek ik netjes zitten en viel ik er niet in, ook niet toen er opeens een paar mieren op mijn telefoon kropen: help!

Next time you see an ant, remember: winter is coming! The best time to prepare for tomorrow is today. Haddon W. Robinson  (o nee, daar wil ik niet aan denken maar nu doe ik het toch)

💬 Hoe ervaar jij de zomer waar jij woont?

Doe ook mee met Thankful Thursday

16 opmerkingen:

  1. I like the picture of the wheat field.
    As for summer, it's hard to cope with it in my neck of the woods. The Heat and Humidity waves are quite horrific!.

  2. The wheat field photo is fantastic. Summer here is not as hot as other places plus there is always the threat of rain. Cloudy today and 16C.

  3. Beste Aritha,
    Fijn voor jullie dat het nu mooi weer is en geniet van de mooie natuur!

  4. Beautiful photo of the butterfly. The wheat field was also a very nice photo. Here the summer have been full of rain.

  5. Thank you for visiting my blog. I love these images!

  6. Beautiful photos as always. :) We don't get very hot summers. Our highs are usually low 80's. Cools down at night. We live in the woods and there usually is a nice breeze.

  7. ah! glad you didn't get bitten by the ants. Enjoy your summer and stay out of the burning sun. We are deep in winter here - cold and wet and windy today. I can't complain - we had a long hot dry summer. Enjoy your weekend ahead, I am joining you at Thankful Thursday

  8. In Zeeland hebben we volgens de statistieken de meeste zon, maar tot nu toe niet veel gezien.
    Als het maar af en toe een dag warm is blijft het in huis nog wel koel en als je dan een dunne zomerjurk buiten aanhebt is dat in huis net wat te dun. Lastige tijd eigenlijk

  9. The Netherlands looks so green and lush right now. Makes me want to visit!

  10. Beautiful photos and landscapes! Love the butterfly! Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend!

  11. Great shot of the butterfly to open this post. As for summer, I could do without it! Oppressive heat and humidity are unpleasant. I can hardly wait for the first frost.

  12. Dear Aritha, it has been very hot in Hungary for weeks. In the southern part of the country it is 41 degrees, here in the west it is "only" 35 C. I take shower at least twice a day in lukewarm water, I close the blinds so that the sun does not shine into my apartment, I am rarely outside. I'm waiting for the weather to get cooler. I have to say that I suffer from the heat, but I know it's summer. That's how it should be. I wish you all the best.

  13. Aritha, such beautiful photos. Especially enjoyed seeing the first one with the butterfly. Is not summer rushing by. Wish I could bottle it up and put it on the shelf for winter...maybe if I revisit this post in January...I will find some summer preserved. :)!! Hugs

  14. How wonderful! I have enjoyed all your summer photos very much. We had a break in our high temperatures today. It has been in the high 90s and even 100 degrees F. People have had it a lot hotter but I was not able to go out for my usual long walks because the humidity makes me ill. I am looking forward to walking the botanical gardens again around here, hopefully soon.

  15. Summer is looking beautiful in your corner of the world. We are experiencing a heat wave here with temps at or above 100 degrees f. We are keeping cool inside. We water early in the morning while it is still cool. It is nice to have sunshine.

  16. Very nice photographs.
    Here in the UK the temperature has warmed up, a few areas experienced 30 degrees.
    Today (Saturday) we had rain but it is quite humid.

    Enjoy the remainder of the weekend.

    All the best Jan


Thanks for dropping in, hope your day's going fine!

♥ Aritha ♥