zaterdag 27 april 2019


Holland… more than tulips and clogs. But how I love it when my hubby gives me a nice bouquet of mixed coloured tulips. A touch of love on a cold rainy day in The Netherlands.

Gisteren kreeg ik een bos tulpen van mijn man. Dit zijn de bloemen die me opvrolijken. Ik maakt net gauw wat foto's om de herinnering te bewaren aan het fijne gevoel om bloemen te krijgen. Veel bloemen geven me allergie. Maar tulpen zijn top!

How Was Your Week?

22 opmerkingen:

  1. The tulips are beautiful your husband chose well. Have a blessed day and a wonderful weekend. Madeline

  2. Indeed, a beautiful "touch of love on a cold rainy day"! The beauty of tulips is stunning on any day.

  3. Yes, a bouquet of Tulips is just right to brighten things up on a cold rainy day. They are sturdy flowers and last awhile too. The last picture is very nice.

    Spring will arrive soon, Aritha. Here, we go from Spring to Summer in just a short time, so we try to enjoy Spring as much as we can. : )


  4. The tulips are beautiful. What a great bouquet to receive on a rainy cold day.

  5. Lucky you and beautiful photos. Hope all is well with you and the family. Have a great Sunday, Diane

  6. Beautiful flowers and such a sweet gesture from your husband to you.

  7. I love the white ones. Beautiful.

  8. Your husband gave you some beautiful tulips.
    Lovely photographs.

    All the best Jan

  9. Prachtige bos tulpen.
    Mooie bloem, nadeel ze zijn snel uitgebloeid.

    Groettie van Patricia.

  10. Wat lief zo'n mooie bos tulpen.
    Fijn van genieten Aritha!

    Mooie lenteweek,

  11. A very nice attention from your husband! Of course, Holland is more than tulips but when you look at this flower with a closer look you realize why this simple beauty is so much recognized around the world. I wish you a happy flowery week!

  12. Lovely tulips, and excellent effects.

  13. Wat mooi, die witte tulpen...volgens mij nog nooit gezien. Of vergeten, want ik ben wel eens naar de tulpenhof geweest en daar zullen ze vast wel gestaan hebben:)

  14. Mooie tulpen Aritha, altijd 'n blij gevoel als je 'n bos bloemen krijg.
    Groet kees.

  15. I love tulips in all their forms and colors.

  16. Tulpen - een klein beetje uit Nederland naar Australië via internet!
    Ze zijn heel mooi. Spectacular special flowers. I never considered them 'allergy-friendly' before. Another good reason to love tulips.
    My April-May has been hectic. Too much going on. Will try to blog it soon.
    Meanwhile I LOVE your fotos.

  17. My tulips are just coming in in our garden, I love them too! Gorgeous photos Aritha ❤️

  18. So very lovely. We cannot grow tulips here in Florida, so I don't get to enjoy them often, unless we buy a pot of them at the store. So please enjoy them for me!!

  19. So beautiful!

    I love tulips.

    We had a busy weekend. I am a little tired today, just did laundry and stayed home. The kids did schoolwork. I ordered pizza for dinner. :)


Thanks for dropping in, hope your day's going fine!

♥ Aritha ♥