dinsdag 31 december 2024

Leuke lampjes langs het kanaal

 Ik kan geen genoeg krijgen van mooie lampjes 💡✨, vooral niet als ze zo'n schattig bruggetje verlichten! 🥰 Hier drie sfeervolle foto's van het kanaal bij avond – een klein lichtpuntje in deze donkere dagen. 

Het weggetje glimt van de regen, en het was flink koud 🥶. Maar deze schattige lampjes maken alles zoveel gezelliger! 

🌟Gelukkig Nieuwjaar 🌟
Ik wens jullie een jaar met momenten van vrede, kracht en hoop, ook in moeilijke omstandigheden. Ik hoop in 2025 weer van jullie blogs, verhalen en inspiratie te genieten. 

Update: Oudejaarsdag 2024 (16:00)

Bij ons in de straat, op de parkeerplaats, staat een tentje waar buurtgenoten oliebollen en appelflappen bakken én gezellig kletsen. Wij horen officieel niet bij die straat, omdat onze voordeur ergens anders uitkomt. Maar via onze achterdeur zitten we er toch een beetje bij, dus we zijn ook uitgenodigd om mee te doen. Er is zelfs een vuurkorf waar kinderen marshmallows roosteren. Een superleuk en gezellig initiatief.

Hoe zien jullie oudejaars- en nieuwjaarstradities eruit? 

21 opmerkingen:

  1. Happy New Year to you too! Tomorrow is New Year's Eve here, so tonight is still New Year's Eve Eve! LOL. No special plans here...going to bed on time and waking up in a new year! We may eat some black eyed peas and ham on New Year's Day (if I remember to buy some ham tomorrow! LOL) Yes, Looking forward to new blessings and joys and inspiration in 2025. It's been a good year in 2024, but I am praying for an even better year coming up. I look forward to reading your posts as well! Happy New Year my friend across the sea!

    1. Thank you so much for your sweet, long comments and your beautiful blog posts, Pamela. I truly appreciate your kind words and encouragements. I’m so grateful to have a blog friend like you—your support means a lot to me! Wishing you a joyful and blessed New Year ahead.

  2. The lights on the canal bridge are so pretty, lighting up the darkness of night. Tomorrow, New Year's Eve, will mostly likely be spent quietly at home. In other years we have gone to small parties, or hosted a gathering here, but we like being home just the two of us. We'll eat something special and watch a movie, read books, and enjoy the lights and the fire.
    Happy New Year to you, Aritha.

    1. Thank you, Lorrie Your plans sound so cozy and peaceful—what a lovely way to ring in the New Year. We’re keeping it simple too, just spending time together, and being grateful for one another (the boys are off to friends). I also want to thank you for your blogs and your thoughtful comments on mine—they’re always a joy to read. Happy New Year to you as well! 🎉

  3. Those lights may be pretty ( to some) but in a time of energy conservation it seems profligate to me. And the disruption to nocturnal wildlife is significant.

    1. Those lights actually belong to the house across the bridge. The lights are switched off during the night. I’m not sure if the electricity grid here feels any strain when people generate their own power (solar panels) and use it for lights. No idea. That said, I do agree with you David, about the significant light pollution, especially here in the Netherlands. It’s a growing concern for wildlife.

  4. The Lights looks very beautiful on the bridge. I wish you a Happy New Year! I look forward to see more wonderful photos from the Netherlands.

  5. Wow! Beautiful night lights photos ~ hugs,

    Happy New Year ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. Dear Aritha, the lights are very beautiful, I enjoyed looking at them.
    I don’t have any special traditions for New Year’s Eve. I watch TV, speak to my friend, read and watch the fireworks at midnight. I didn’t make any resolutions for the New Year. My wishes are not time-bound.
    I wish you a very Happy New Year, health and peace. With love, Éva

  7. The lights are beautiful!!!
    Sounds like a fun meeting up with the neighbors.
    Happy New Year.
    We don't do anything special. Just another day to enjoy. :)

  8. Such a pretty scene with the bridge lit up. Wishing you and your family a very happy and healthy 2025. We don't do anything special to celebrate the beginning of the new year but enjoy the fine food and company of a few friends.

  9. Wat mooi. De beste wensen voor 2025. Groetjes Caroline

  10. Wat sfeervol was het daar en zal nu nog wel mooi verlicht zijn even. En wat leuk dat jullie ook uitgenodigd werden bij hen. Mooie foto's gepost. En wens je ook een jaar toe die gevuld mag wezen met mooie koester momentjes. Nieuwjaarsgroet, Tine

  11. Dear Aritha, It was a pleasure following Moments, frozen in time in 2024. Looking forward to another in 2025. Happy New Year to you and yours! John

  12. Your photographs are lovely.
    Wishing you a happy, healthy and peaceful New Year ...
    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  13. Those bridge photos are so nice! What a fun way to spend New Year's Eve. I wish our neighborhood/street was a bit more neighborly and did fun stuff like that. We spent our New Year's Eve with our tradition of playing games with friends though many in our group were ill so just 4 of us in total. Usually our friend who hosts does a big spaghetti dinner but she'd had a rough year (though still wanted to host) so we just did appetizers to make it easy. My boys each had their own separate parties to attend. Happy New Year! Look forward to reading more of your wonderful blog in 2025. Hope 2025 is full of happiness and peace for you!

  14. Een goed, gezond, liefdevol en gezegend 2025 Aritha. Prachtige foto's met heerlijke lichtpunten!


Thanks for dropping in, hope your day's going fine!

♥ Aritha ♥